Sunday, September 14, 2014

back, back, way back

Long time no talk!

Yesterday, I had an uber cool time at the Yankee Peddler Festival in Canal Fulton, OH. Basically, it's this big park full of vendors that dress up from like revolutionary times and sell weird, rustic crafts like primitive soaps or like wooden calligraphy or some shit.

Bunch of people in pilgrim like outfits, white people dressed as Native Americans, and a fluTE PLAYER NAMED MICHAEL SEARCHING BEAR. (hes white lol) Listened to some hymns over banjo playin, and learned what a tricorn hat and cockhat are and why they're completely useless.

Clearly, I'm a total sucker for anything remotely old (aaand talking to cool old people) and this place catered to both. I bought some stuff that I really like so why not share it woohoo

Alright so first things first (im the realest). My mom is lame and skipped this, but I sat down in the back to watch this chill ass couple sing some hymns. She was alright (she sang and played this weird scrapy thing) and this dude's banjo playin was TOP NOTCH. 8/10 would recommend

They had little teepee museum like exhibit thangs with I guess how wee old 'Mericans lived. Had some killer lanterns and that really cool chair thing made out of blue, red, and yellow painted sticks up above there. It looks very uncomfortable, probably better than the ground though. Also: they were very colorful, stylish people for how little they had 10/10 for style

Animamals and fur and antlers and weapons, oh my. Someone call PETA 
vegan rachel: 0/10 :( // actual rachel: 9/10 COOL AS SHIT

you can look at this website to see some better pictures ---> xx


all of these are 10/10 and so are the people who sold them

!!! these guys are all rock necklaces !! the 2 on the outside were both $1 (plus a dollar each for the cords) and the dude in the middle was $10 ! they were also selling mugs with the faces on them, but they were pricey and a bitch gotta save money 

these little flower guys were $3 (plus tax dAMMIT). i'd never heard of this thing caaallled "quilling" but it's pretty sweet. so they roll up paper and make whatever they want and it's lovely and delicate. 

i would flip this around but im lazy just turn ur head
this is probably my favorite item here. it's a sweet ass ADJUSTABLE ring with a cameo of a skeleton with killllller hair. they came in all different colors (plus there were necklaces and chokers and brooches) but i got black and white so it'll go with everything forever
it was 14.95 but well worth it (check out the sweet box)

these guys are sculpy clay ! there were alot of halloween like stuff (since its almost halloween) so i had to get a witch and the angel is just too cute with her wings and star
5 bucks total what a steal

little pewter figurines!!!!!11!1!!! the left dude is like a headless knight and the other guy is a SKELETON ARMY GUY :3 i got 2 so they could fight, obiviiiiouusly
i think they were like 3.50 total, super super cheap, i'll add the guys website later once i find his card

me: *gets married in these*

and lastly, SKULL EARRINGS B) 
only 5 bucks and they're absolutely adorable 
plus 10 points to the asian lady who sold them to me for being the kindest lady alive

have a picture i took on the way there, when the clouds looked really pretty and fluffy

that's all for now! hopefully i'll do something or think of something cool soon and i can write about it 
'til then, au revoir!

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